I'm only making this, because the recent ones I've seen are crap, by the way, it was pretty obvious Hester's a Green Meanie and has done some stuff behind the mask (I had a confirmation, but I lost it), just like Ryan lied about every main character dying this season, but she won't be accused for any of these, yet.
- Catherine Hobart's murder: Guess: Cassidy. The killer was most liekly Cassidy, because the song the killer plays before killing her sort of references Cassidy's motives and feelings toward his mother. The Green Meanie also showed off her baldhead before killing her, and Cassidy would know about her makeover and wig, not Wes. Wes's main target was the Chanels, and he would have killed Chanel #5.
- Dean Munsch's attack: Guess: Wes, he was probably distressed that Dean Munsch had left him, and Cassidy appeared during the attack with the killer still pinned down to the floor.
- Tyler's murder: Guess: Wes, because Cassidy was headed home with Doctor Brock so they could have a handsome contest, or whatever. Wes killed Tyler because he probably knew he was Chanel #5's boyfriend.
- Randal's murder: Guess: Cassidy, because his M.O. is kill patients and Wes would have had no reason to kill him.
- Sheila Baumgartner's murder and Chamberlain Jackson's attack: Guess: Cassidy, because he stated in "Blood Drive" that he was going to kill Zayday, but he was too afraid of her. The Green Meanie ran off instead of attacking her.
- Chad Radwell's murder: Guess: Doctor Brock Holt, because it is clearly hinted in all of the episodes since his death (except "Chanel Pour Homme-Icide") that the Green Meanie may not have been the culprit in his murder. The murder took place during the day, Cassidy was at the wedding and Nurse Hoffel said that she didn't kill anyone prior to "Blood Drive". In "The Hand", Doctor Brock's serial killer hand becomes harder to control when Brock is in anger or stressed, and he was bummed that he lost his chance with Chanel, because of Chad. Hester also refers to Brock as a killer in "Lovin the D", and she knew Chad was going to be killed before his death was revealed. Wes, I believe, is just a red herring and if it turns out he killed Chad. That's just how predictable the show is.
- Special Agent Denise Hemphill's attack: Guess: Cassidy, because he stated in "Blood Drive" that the staff is hard to kill. The Chanels were never attacked, except for Chanel #5 who strategically passed out to avoid death at Cassidy's hand, Dean Munsch was attacked by Wes, so Denise is the only one he could be talking about, because she easily fought him off.
- Halloween party incident: Guess: Wes, because Cassidy was at the hospital party the entire time.
- Chanel #5's attack: Guess: Wes, because the Green Meanie did not kill Hester and instead, teamed up with her, though Cassidy was working alone. Wes is targeting the Chanels, and Cassidy was likely at the Halloween party helping the patients.
- Denise's murder: Guess: Cassidy?. This is a hard nut to crack right here, but it was him. Wes stabbed Chanel #5 and thought she was dead, and left without being caught. Cassidy changed into the costume with all the confusion going on and killed Denise, and spared Chanel #5 for some reason.
- Party Guests' murders: Guess: Cassidy. Wes wouldn't waste his time killing these people.
- Tristan "Chanel Pour Homme" Saint Pierre's murder: This was probably Cassidy, because Wes would only bother with the main Chanels, and Cassidy is the more likely person to know about the new Chanels, because they checked into the hospital as patients.
- Midge "Chanel #11"s murder: Guess: Wes? Cassidy was already gone to his mother's for the weekend, so he definitely couldn't have done it.
- Addison "Chanel #9"s murder: We see Cassidy and Nurse Hoffel do this.
- Doctor Brock Holt's attack: Guess: Wes. Cassidy was shown to have karate skills, and would likely be able to hold his own against Brock's hand. Nurse Hoffel did not have any reason to kill him, she wanted to let him live to stress him out so he could kill Chanel with his serial killer hand.
- Andrea "Chanel 10"s murder: Guess: Nurse Hoffel. The Green Meanie checks her pulse, and Nurse Hoffel wanted to drive Brock insane and stressed by forcing the surgery he was supposed to do on Anna Plaisance. She also made a cryptic comment on how #10's heart was completely undamaged by the attack. Nurses check the pulses of their patients, and it might have been a natural instinct for her to do so, anyways,
- Slade Hornborn's murder: Guess: Nurse Hoffel. She was the only killer who knew who Slade was and what he was doing at the hospital. The Green Meanie heard the entire phone call, and Slade acknowledged an ethics scandal that would have the hospital, while Nurse Hoffel wanted to keep it open to get to the Chanels.
- Zayday Williams and Chamberlain's attack: Guess: Nurse Hoffel. Cassidy was afraid of Zayday, while Wes probably would not hurt Zayday, who was Grace's best friend.
- Weston "Wes" Gardner and Dean Minsch's attack: Guess: Cassidy. Nurse Hoffel did suggest to Cassid to kill the woman running the hospital, which would actually close it down.