Scream Queens Wiki
Scream Queens Wiki

List of minor characters is a list of characters who have minor appearances and storylines on Scream Queens to date.



Brad Radwell[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Brad R Brad Radwell Thanksgiving Deceased Chad Michael Murray

Brad Radwell is the older brother of Chad Radwell and Thad Radwell. He has been working for Accentuated Agents for three years.


Brad, along with of the rest of his family, attends the annual Radwell Thanksgiving dinner. After dinner, Brad plays Pictionary with his family, Chanel and Hester and acts out the card "Neckbrace Whore." While playing the game, he clearly cheated by using hand gestures instead of drawing an illustration.

Halloween Blues

Chad's lawyer reveals that the entire Radwell family died in a plane crash while trying to rush over to C.U.R.E to stop Chad from marrying Chanel.

Bunny Radwell[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
TG 24 Bunny Radwell Thanksgiving Deceased Julia Duffy

Bunny Radwell is the wife of Tad Radwell, and the mother of Brad, Chad, and Thad.


Bunny does not approve of Chad and Chanel's relationship and tries to discourage the relationship several times. Once Hester arrives, Bunny starts to deride her appearance as well as the fact that Hester claims that she is pregnant with Chad's child.

Halloween Blues

Chad's lawyer reveals that the entire Radwell family died in a plane crash while trying to rush over to C.U.R.E to stop Chad marrying Chanel.



Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Christina Christina Haunted House Alive Mariana Vincente

Christina was the president of the Kappa Kappa Tau sorority during 1988.

Haunted House

During a flashback to 1988, she appears to be the president of Kappa Kappa Tau. She tells Denise Hemphill that she maybe confused Kappa with the African sorority Omicron-Omicron-Omicron, which is down the street. Denise tells her that she actually wants to be a Kappa, but ultimately she is rejected after Christina tells her that Denise will not like it there at Kappa house.

  • Her name was never revealed or mentioned, but Mariana Vincente is credited as Christina.

Cliff Woo[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Cliff Woo Cliff Woo Pumpkin Patch Alive Roy Huang

Cliff Woo is a party planner who is hired to organize Chanel Oberlin's Pumpkin Patch party.

Pumpkin Patch

The Chanels are really excited to meet the person who will organize Chanel's party at a pumpkin patch for the Kappa Kappa Tau presidential campaign, who also organized Chanel's Sweet Sixteen. She later introduces Cliff Woo to the girls and he starts explaining the party with a scale model. Chanel notices that he prepared a corn maze for the party, but she asked for an exact replica of the maze from the movie The Shining. Cliff explains that the reason that he did a corn maze instead of the maze from the movie was because it would cost more money. Angry, Chanel clarifies that she is really rich and money is not a problem for her, so demands the maze that she wanted immediately. Cliff later leaves the room to prepare the new maze.

Coney/Aaron Cohen[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Coney Coney (costume)
Aaron Cohen (person wearing the costume)
Haunted House (corpse)
Deceased (Aaron Cohen) David Simpson

Coney is the mascot of Wallace University, who replaces Red Devil.
Aaron Cohen was the student wearing the costume, introduced when Coney became the school mascot in Chainsaw. His new claim to fame comes to an end when the Red Devil attacks him and decapitates him with a chainsaw. The Red Devil later put his corpse in the haunted house in Haunted House.



Coney after being attacked by the Red Devil

Coney is the mascot that replaces the Red Devil at Wallace University, and Aaron Cohen is the student's name that is in charge of wearing the costume (he never appears physically). Aaron becomes comfortable with roaming around campus amongst students and faculty with the Coney costume. He realizes that he can get away with just about anything. At the height of the realization, Aaron is murdered with his costume on by Red Devil with a chainsaw at his dressing room. Seeing two Red Devil victim's bodies, Chad and Hester run into the basement, where they see his headless body nailed to the wall, his head laying next to it. His body is later re-found by Zayday, as she searches for the bodies while calling the police.


Daryl Strawberry (Costume)[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Daryl 2 Costume Party Daryl Strawberry Warts and All Deceased La'Charles Trask

Costume Party Daryl Strawberry was a doctor at Our Lady Of Perpetual Suffering in 1986. He was dressed as former Mets player Daryl Strawberry for the Halloween party that year.

Warts and All

The doctor came to the 1986 staff Halloween party dressed as Daryl Strawberry (Mets #18 costume) along with two other doctors in Mets 17 and 6 costumes. They bumped into Dr. Mike and Nurse Thomas as the two were arriving to the party and invited them to do cocaine, but Dr. Mike and Nurse Thomas declined. As the three doctors did cocaine in an empty room away from the party, the Green Meanie appeared and murdered them with a machete. He was the second of the three doctors to be killed.

Deb #1[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Deb -1 Deb #1 Pilot Alive Mary Risener

Deb #1 wanted to join Kappa Kappa Tau in Pilot, until Cathy Munsch announced that everyone who wishes to become a pledge will be accepted in.


Deb #1 is a new student at Wallace University. She is friends with Deb #2 and the two of them planned on pledging Kappa Kappa Tau, until it was announced that Kappa would be forced to accept anyone who wished to pledge. After hearing this, Deb #1 runs out, despite Chanel #5 grabbing her by the arm.

Deb #2[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Deb 2 Deb #2 Pilot Alive Heaven Needham

Deb #2 wanted to join Kappa Kappa Tau in Pilot, until Cathy Munsch announced that everyone who wishes to become a pledge will be accepted in.


Deb #2 is a new student at Wallace University. She is friends with Deb #1 and the two of them planned on pledging Kappa Kappa Tau, until it was announced that Kappa would be forced to accept anyone who wished to pledge. After hearing this, Deb #2 runs out.


Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Normal Scream Queens 2015 S02E02 1080p 0036 Detective Warts and All Alive Jocelyn Ayanna

Detective is a detective who was called to the scene of Catherine Hobart's death.

Warts and All

Detective, whose name is unknown, found Libby Putney's stories about the Green Meanie far-fetched and didn't beleive her. She led the team of foresenics and officers who investigated the circumstances of Catherines death. She must have though Libby had killed the woman herself.

Detective Baxter[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Detective baxter Detective Baxter Mommie Dearest Alive Dan Hildebrand

Detective Baxter is hired along with his work partner Detective Chiselhurst by Chanel Oberlin, to investigate Grace Gardner and Zayday Williams, because she thinks they're the killers. Baxter and Chiselhurst are detectives from Scotland Yard.

Mommie Dearest

Chanel Oberlin hires Detective Baxter and Detective Chiselhurst to prove that Grace Gardner and Zayday Williams are the killers. Baxter states that they don't have any jurisdiction in the United States of America, because they are detectives from Scotland Yard. Chiselhurst say that they only reason they are there is because Chanel told them that she had information about a death threat against the Duchess of Cambridge. Chanel says that she is disposed to pay a handsome amount of money if they catch Zayday and Grace as the killers.

Later, after they both finish their investigation, they reunite with Chanel again. They reveal that her friend Libby Putney, better known as Chanel #5, goes into the Deep Web and creates chats where she states that wants to kill Chanel. Chanel doesn't care about this, and asks for what they found about Zayday and Grace. They say that any of them have illegal activity, but that Grace's mother does. Interested, Chanel grabs Grace's mother file and thanks the detectives, because she thinks that file proves that Grace is the Red Devil.

Detective Chiselhurst[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Detective idk what Detective Chiselhurst Mommie Dearest Alive Daniel Donahue

Detective Chiselhurst is hired along with his work partner Detective Baxter by Chanel Oberlin, to investigate Grace Gardner and Zayday Williams, because she thinks they're the killers. Chiselhurst and Baxter are detectives from Scotland Yard.

Mommie Dearest

Chanel Oberlin hires Detective Chiselhurst and Detective Baxter to prove that Grace Gardner and Zayday Williams are the killers. Chiselhurst states that they are detectives from Scotland Yard, and Baxter says that therefore they don't have any jurisdiction in the United States of America. Chiselhurst say that they only reason they are there is because Chanel told them that she had information about a death threat against the Duchess of Cambridge. Chanel says that she is disposed to pay a handsome amount of money if they catch Zayday and Grace as the killers.

Later, after they both finish their investigation, they reunite with Chanel again. They reveal that her friend Libby Putney, better known as Chanel #5, goes into the Deep Web and creates chats where she states that wants to kill Chanel. Chanel doesn't care about this, and asks for what they found about Zayday and Grace. They say that any of them have illegal activity, but that Grace's mother does. Interested, Chanel grabs Grace's mother file and thanks the detectives, because she thinks that file proves that Grace is the Red Devil.


Eugene Melman[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Eugene Eugene Melman Chainsaw Alive Caleb Emery

Eugene Melman is a student at Wallace University and Zayday's classmate.


Grace and Zayday go to the supermarket to get food for Kappa Kappa Tau. When Zayday grabs some crips, she is unaware of the Red Devil standing on the other side, when Grace goes over she that side to get sweets she turns around sees the Red Devil at the end of the aisle. In slow motion, she grabs her pink taser and the Red Devil runs towards her, Zayday knocks a shelf over to stop him. When the cleaner rushes and says "What the hell's going on?" Zayday says they caught a serial killer and she takes off his mask only to learn it's a guy she knows from class, Eugene Melman, that was just trying to scare them.


Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Eva Eva Pumpkin Patch Alive Jency Griffin

Eva is an inmate woman who quickly befriends Chanel Oberlin after she is arrested.

Pumpkin Patch

After Chanel Oberlin gets arrested for the murder of Agatha Bean, she befriends with Eva, Millie, and Maria in jail. At lunch time, Eva listens to Millie's speech of how fan she is of Chanel. Chanel thank the three women for their kindness, and suggests to be "besties for life". A jail security guard interrupts their conversation to say that Chanel's bail has been paid and is now free. Chanel stands up from the table the girls are eating lunch and says "Later, losers", leaving Eva, Maria, and Millie really surprised and offended.


Freddy Swenson[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Freddy swenson Freddy Swenson Thanksgiving Alive LB Brown

Freddy Swenson is the son of Mr. Swenson and Kristy Swenson and half-brother of Sadie Swenson.


Garrett Larson[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Garrett Garrett Larson Lovin the D Alive Tory N. Thompson

Garrett Larson was a guest on Dr. Scarlett Lovin's talk show, Lovin' the D, and later a patient of Dr. Brock Holt and the Chanels, receiving the first ever operation on live television to remove a 16 pound tumor from his face.

Lovin the D

Garrett is first introduced as a special guest on Lovin' the D by host Dr. Scarlett Lovin, who refers to him as an inspiration and explains that he is a story of bravery and perseverance. Later, Scarlett visits C.U.R.E. to approach Dr. Brock Holt and the Chanels about an opportunity to perform surgery on Garrett on live television for a special episode of Lovin' the D. She explains that Garrett has a 16 pound tumor on his face that must be removed, and the foursome agree to performing the operation. Scarlett then gets Garrett on a plane to the C.U.R.E. Institute to have the surgery the next day.

The following day, just as planned, Garrett receives his 10 hour life-changing operation on live television. Garrett is first put into a medically induced coma and gets a tube attached to his throat for breathing assistance until he wakes up. After retracting Garrett's face back, Dr. Holt is able to successfully cut off the 16 pound tumor from Garrett's face, without severing any nerves. He then staples Garrett's face up and closes the wounds, thus transforming Garrett into a new person.


Howard Hoffel[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
ANA Howard Hoffel Mentioned in Blood Drive Deceased None

Howard Hoffel is Ingrid's husband. He died from what she believes was cancer and she says they weren't close.

Blood Drive

Ingrid reveals in a voiceover that Hoffel is her husband, Howard's, last name. He died from what she believes was cancer and she says they weren't close.


Jane's Brother[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
JaneBrother2x02 Jane's Brother Warts and All Deceased Riley Schmidt

Jane's Brother is the brother of Jane Hollis, brother-in-law of Bill Hollis, and uncle of Dr. Cassidy Cascade. He is revealed to be the original 1986 Green Meanie and died a year later in a roller derby fight.

Warts and All

When investigating the hospital's history, Zayday and Chamberlain discover a news article from November 1st 1986, which details the murders of the Our Lady of Perpetual Suffering hospital's staff on Halloween night. In a flashback to that night, three of the hospital's male staff are seen in the locker room snorting cocaine. Upon realizing he should not being taking drugs as he is still on call, one of the staff members expresses his concern to the other, who looks up to notice the Green Meanie lurking in the doorway. Suddenly, the Green Meanie throws his machete towards them and it slits the first man's throat before impaling another in the stomach. The remaining man tries to escape but, as he is high, he is unable to make it far and the Green Meanie stabs him in the abdomen several times. The Green Meanie then finds Nurse Thomas and Dr. Mike and interrupts them while they're making out in the hallway. An unsuspecting Dr. Mike approaches the Green Meanie to confront him but is promptly stabbed in the stomach, and is then lifted off the ground by the Green Meanie by raising the machete while it is still in Dr. Mike's stomach. Nurse Thomas tries to flee but is unable to due to the restraints of her rather wide costume, and the Green Meanie throws his machete once again across the hallway and it impales Nurse Thomas in the back. The Green Meanie watches her collapse dead on the floor before killing the remaining hospital staff. No one was ever caught for the murders.

Rapunzel, Rapunzel

It is revealed that Jane Hollis purchased the original Green Meanie suit in 1986. Zayday goes over to her house to confront her about this and she admits to it. She reveals that because of her rage at the hospital staff receiving no repercussions for murdering her husband, she sent her brother to the hospital to kill everyone on the anniversary of his death, as he was stronger than her and, in her words, a bit of a psychopath. However, he died a year later in a fight with a roller derby team. Jane confesses that she misses him, but that he probably deserved to die.

Japanese Sorority Girl[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Screen Shot 2016-03-04 at 5.10.06 PM Japanese Sorority Girl Ghost Stories Deceased Chelssa Zang

Japanese Sorority Girl is a character in Denise's ghost story. She either dies by getting her throat slit or by being strangled to death, both by the Red Hood.

Ghost Stories

She is a Japanese Sorority girl who uses the bathroom in Denise's ghost story. She looks and sees that there are two toilet paper rolls - one red, one blue. It is shown that there is a butterfly-like-effect to her choices. If she chooses the red roll, she will get her throat slit, and if she picks the blue roll, she will get strangled. Both choices lead to her death by the Red Hood.


Kappa Sorority Girl[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Screen Shot 2016-03-04 at 5.09.24 PM Kappa Sorority Girl Ghost Stories Deceased Olivia Sui

Kappa Sorority Girl is a mythical sorority girl from Japan. She was using the bathroom when a Kappa showed up under the toilet and "dragged her down from her vagina" and drowned her in raw sewage.

Ghost Stories

She is a mythical girl in Denise's ghost story. She went to the Kappa bathroom and a Kappa (Mythical Creature) popped out of the toilet and grabbed her by her vagina. It dragged her down into the toilet and drowned her in raw sewage.

Kai Zhi[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Kai zi Kai Zhi Pumpkin Patch Alive Owen Knight

Kai Zhi is Chanel Oberlin's Asian.

Pumpkin Patch

Chanel Oberlin is taking a test with Kai Zhi by her side, with her asking questions about the exam to him. The teacher sees them asks her if she is cheating, and she responds that Kai Zhi is just her "Asian", explaining that he is not even a student at Wallace University and that she hired him to take tests with her so she can pass the exam. The teacher tells her to hand in the exam, because it's a violation to the rules of the university so he is reporting her to Dean Munsch. Chanel says that he is clearly a new teacher and takes out her phone and calls her dad so he can get fired. Detective Chisolm enters to the classroom and asks for Chanel Oberlin, but she doesn't hear because she is using her phone. Kai Zhi tries to warn her but the detective arrives to her seat to announce that she is arrested for the murder of Agatha Bean.

Kristy Swenson[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
KristySwenson Kristy Swenson Thanksgiving Alive Faith Prince

Kristy Swenson is the wife of Mr. Swenson and the mother of Freddy Swenson and Chanel #3. According to her daughter, she was a previous follower and romantic interest of Charles Manson, which culminated in Chanel #3's birth.


Mall Policeman[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Mall cop Mall Policeman Black Friday Deceased Jesse Yarborough

The policeman shows up with Denise Hemphill at the mall when the Red Devil attacks the Chanels. The Red Devil shoots the policeman with a crossbow.

  • He is the only Character to be killed by the red devil that didn't speak once onscreen.


Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Maria Maria Pumpkin Patch Alive Kenneth Kynt Bryan

Maria is an inmate woman who quickly befriends with Chanel Oberlin after she is arrested.

Pumpkin Patch

After Chanel Oberlin gets arrested for the murder of Agatha Bean, she befriends with Maria, Millie, and Eva in jail. At lunch time, Maria listens to Millie's speech of how fan she is of Chanel. Chanel thank the three women for their kindness, and suggests to be "besties for life". A jail security guard interrupts their conversation to say that Chanel's bail has been paid and is now free. Chanel stands up from the table the girls are eating lunch and says "Later, losers", leaving Maria, Eva, and Millie really surprised and offended.

  • She is a parody of Laverne Cox's character on the comedy-drama series Orange Is the New Black, Sophia Burset.


Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Margarita Margarita Thanksgiving Alive Unknown

Margarita is one of the Swenson family's housemaids.


After Chanel #3 arrives late to her family's Thanksgiving, her dad tells her to sit with Margarita, who is eating dinner with the other employees.

Marshall Winthrop[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
MarshallWinthrop Marshall Winthrop Warts and All Deceased Jay Whittaker

Marshall Winthrop was the original owner of Dr. Brock Holt's hand. He was a squash player who murdered all of his opponents in cold blood.

Warts and All

Richard, an informant of Chad Radwell tells him about the origins of Dr. Holt's hand. The owner was a man named Marshall Winthrop, a squah player who considered it a disrespect to the game of squash if his opponents lost. So, he killed all of them. His body count was about 600 players, all dead. He was eventually found by the police and executed after submitting his body to complete donation. His hand went to Dr. Brock Holt.


Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Millie Millie Pumpkin Patch Alive Mikki Val

Millie is an inmate woman who quickly befriends with Chanel Oberlin after she is arrested.

Pumpkin Patch

After Chanel Oberlin gets arrested for the murder of Agatha Bean, she befriends with Millie, Eva, and Maria in jail. At lunch time, Millie reveals that Chanel sent her the biggest present for Chanel-O-Ween last year, before killing a gas station attendant, which was a fake amputed food full of jelly beans. Millie proceeds to say that she is Chanel's biggest Instagram fan, and compliments her saying that she is an style genius, which makes Chanel glad. Millie also says that the real friendships are the ones that are made inside prison. Chanel thank the three women for their kindness, and suggests to be "besties for life". A jail security guard interrupts their conversation to say that Chanel's bail has been paid and is now free. Chanel stands up from the table the girls are eating lunch and says "Later, losers", leaving Millie, Maria, and Eva really surprised and offended.

Mr. and Mrs. Herfmann[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
3still4 Mr. and Mrs. Herfmann Chainsaw Alive Roger Bart and Charisma Carpenter

Mr. and Mrs. Herfmann are a married couple and the parents of Sonya Herfmann, also known as Chanel #2. They are extremely wealthy and live in a mansion in the Bel-Air neighborhood of Los Angeles, California.


After having the blood oath with The Chanels, Chanel #2 says that she will call her mom.


Grace, Zayday, and Denise, visit Mr. and Mrs. Herfmann to ask them if they knew where Sonya (also known as Chanel #2) was, also informing them that there's a serial killer on the university campus. They reveal she dated Chad Radwell, adding that they really liked him as Sonya's boyfriend because he helped to overcome her drinking problem, which they think is back again and that's the reason she is missing. After they all go up to Sonya's room to look at the letter Chad sent her after spending Thanksgiving with them, they tell Grace, Zayday, and Denise, that they don't want Sonya to come back home.

Beware of Young Girls

Chanel Oberlin mentions in her narration that after hearing about their daughter's death, they went on a cruise to celebrate.

Mr. Obamawitz[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Obamawitz Mr. Obamawitz Rapunzel, Rapunzel Alive Frank Birney

Mr. Obamawitz was what Zayday Williams called an old patient with tuberculosis while filming her "What's the Gag?" video in the hospital.

Rapunzel, Rapunzel

While Zayday Williams was recording her "What's the Gag?" video for the day, she comes across an old male patient with tuberculosis. She jokes that "1918 called, and it wants it's disease back". Soon after, she leaves and Chamberlain Jackson is the first one to comment on her "Gag", much to her displeasure.

Mr. and Mrs. Putney[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Screen Shot 2016-02-26 at 5.45.12 PM Mr. and Mrs. Putney The Final Girl(s) Alive Wallace Langham and Lara Grice

Mr. and Mrs. Putney are a married couple and the parents of Libby Putney. They disowned Libby when she was accused of being the Red Devil.

The Final Girl(s)

Hester invites the Putneys to Kappa house, where she tells them to lie and say that they think Chanel #5 is the Red Devil killer. They agree, saying that their daughter sucks. While Hester is later accusing the The Chanels of being the killers, Mr. and Mrs. Putney appear and say that Libby is not their real daughter, and that a woman named Gigi requested them to take care of her.

After this, they remain silent while their daughter is taken away to prison.

Mr. Swenson[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
MrSwenson Mr. Swenson Thanksgiving Alive Gary Grubbs

Mr. Swenson is the husband of Kristy Swenson, the father of Freddy Swenson, and step-father of Chanel #3. He is the founder of Swenson Frozen Foods.

Muffy Radwell[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Radwell Muffy Radwell Thanksgiving Deceased Rachele Brooke Smith

Muffy St. Pierre-Radwell is the wife of Brad Radwell who plans on starting her own clothing line.


Muffy attends the Radwell Thanksgiving Dinner with her husband Brad and mentions that she is thankful for her family and her new clothing.

Halloween Blues

Chad's lawyer reveals that the entire Radwell family died in a plane crash while trying to rush over to C.U.R.E to stop Chad marrying Chanel.


Original Red Devil Mascot[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Sq original red devil Original Red Devil Mascot The Final Girl(s) Deceased Dalton E. Gray

The Original Red Devil Mascot is the person who originally wore the Red Devil mascot costume at Wallace University.

The Final Girl(s)

When Hester Ulrich first arrived on campus at Wallace University, she was looking for a disguise to hide her and Boone's identity before they put their revenge plot into action. While she and Gigi Caldwell were sitting in the school cafe discussing what their disguise should be, a person wearing the Red Devil suit, Wallace University's mascot, walked in to make an announcement about an upcoming game. Hester and Gigi both agreed it would be the perfect killer costume, so later that night, Gigi repeatedly stabbed the mascot to death, so that they could steal the Red Devil suit to use as their disguise.



Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
ScreamQueens107 2346 Painter Beware of Young Girls
Mommie Dearest
Alive Judy Durning

Painter is a resident of the asylum in which Cathy Munsch is jailed.

Beware of Young Girls

Cathy Munsch refers to her as a Picasso who likes to paints the patients. She also mentioned that se has been there for over 30 years and that she could leave whenever she wants.


Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Proctor Proctor Lovin the D Alive David Aaron

Proctor is an exam proctor, responsible for overseeing the Chanels as they take their Medical College Admissions Test (MCATs).

Lovin the D

When The Chanels are required to take the MCAT tests to qualify for the "Lovin the D" special hosted by Dr. Scarlett Lovin, the proctor is called to oversee their taking of the exam. He tells the medical students to begin and to keep quiet. As Chanel Oberlin and Chanel #3 are secretly cheating, he, and Chanel #5, don't seem to notice, and all he says is to be quiet and not to talk. By the time he calls "time's up", the Chanels are exhausted. Once the exams are graded, he returns to Cathy Munsch's office to report that all three of the girls passed with scores above 500. Chanel scored 519 out of 528. Chanel #3 scored 522 out of 528. And Chanel #5 scored three points away from a perfect score, without cheating: 525 out of 528. The proctor promptly leaves the Chanels to celebrate with Dr. Lovin, Dr. Holt, Munsch, and Dr. Lovin's assistant.



Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Richard Richard Warts and All Alive Brian Baumgartner

Richard is the man Chad Radwell used to gain information on his nemesis Dr. Brock Holt.

Warts and All

Richard tells Chad about Marshall Winthrop and his crimes after Chad had ordered him to dig up dirt of Holt. Richard tells him that Holt's hand is the same hand that the serial killer used to kill at least 600 people.


Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Rick Rick Haunted House Alive Kimani Bradley

Rick is a fraternity young man and a student of Wallace University.

Haunted House

When The Chanels decide to go and get some pizza he interrupts them asking which of them would like to be his costume for Halloween, and says that he is going as "Dude Having Awesome Sex With You". The girls start to argue with him and say to objectify a woman for her appearance is the same culture that pressures girls to have eating disorders. Tommy says that if she is trying to say that he is the resposable for them to look sexy then they should thank him. Chanel compares his attitude with Red Devil, and later Chanel #3 asks sarcastically that if he is going to call them "sweetheart" now, and he answers that he will because it's kind of his signature move. Hester gets angry and says "Well this is mine!" and kicks him between the legs. Rick wants to defend Tommy but Chanel #5 makes him stumble. Tommy calls Hester a bitch, and Chanel #1 punches him in the face in return. Hester and #3 later do the same thing. Having both guys on the floor suffering from pain, the girls start to kick them and throwing trash at them until they get tired.


Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Rondi Rondi Haunted House Alive Heighlen Boyd

Rondi is a student of Wallace University and friend of Tisha.

Haunted House

While Grace Gardner, Zayday Williams, Pete Martínez, and Earl Grey arrive to the party at the Shady Lane house, Rondi is walking out of the house with her friend Tisha while holding hands, and she says that the dead bodies inside the house are very realistic, thinking that they are fake. The four of them ask the girls which bodies they are talking about, so Tisha says that they should start with the ones that are upstairs, and Rondi agrees.

  • Her name was never revealed or mentioned, but Heighlen Boyd is credited as Rondi.


Set P.A.[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
SetPA Set P.A. Lovin the D Alive Alixandra Von Renner

Set P.A. is a personal set assistant of "Lovin' the D", a show starring Dr. Scarlett Lovin.

Lovin the D

As the show is about to go live, the set P.A. is frantically searching the nurse's station for Dr. Brock Holt, but he is nowhere to be found. She asks if anyone has eyes on him, and the other P.A. copies over the radio transceiver that everything is all set.

Set P.A. #2[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
OtherPA Other P.A. Lovin the D Alive Etienne Maurice

Other P.A. is a personal set assistant of "Lovin' the D", a show starring Dr. Scarlett Lovin.

Lovin the D

When the set P.A. asks if anyone has eyes on Dr. Brock Holt, the other P.A. copies over the radio transceiver that everything is all set, before announcing to everyone that the show will go live in five minutes.


Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Susan chanel's fan Susan Haunted House
Halloween Blues
Alive Retta Aughtry

Susan is Chanel Oberlin's fan who appears in Haunted House during the Chanel-O-Ween video. She reappears in Halloween Blues in Chanel's second Chanel-O-Ween video, where she recieved a box of exploding corpse bile.

Haunted House

At the beginning of the episode, during the Chanel-O-Ween video, Chanel says that Susan always posts sad videos of herself online and lives in a horrible place, so she decides to visit her to deliver some Chanel-o-ween presents in person. When she arrives, Susan gets really excited and starts to cry of happiness. Chanel later takes a ride in a child car holding Susan's house. A picture of both girls appears in a newspaper called Sorority Monthly, with the headline being "Chanel Oberlin Sends Troubled Girls Moths", written by someone named Janie Petaja.


Tad Radwell[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Tadrad Tad Radwell Thanksgiving Deceased Alan Thicke

Tad Radwell is the husband of Bunny Radwell, and the father of Brad, Chad, and Thad Radwell.

Halloween Blues

Chad's lawyer reveals that the entire Radwell family died in a plane crash while trying to rush over to C.U.R.E to stop Chad marrying Chanel.

Thad Radwell[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Thad R Thad Radwell Thanksgiving Deceased Patrick Schwarzenegger

Thad is the younger brother of Chad Radwell and Brad Radwell.


Thad, along with of the rest of his family, attends the annual Radwell Thanksgiving dinner.

Halloween Blues

Chad's lawyer reveals that the entire Radwell family died in a plane crash while trying to rush over to C.U.R.E to stop Chad marrying Chanel.


Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Tisha Tisha Haunted House Alive Abbie Gayle

Tisha is a student of Wallace University and friend of Rondi.

Haunted House

While Grace Gardner, Zayday Williams, Pete Martínez, and Earl Grey arrive to the party at the Shady Lane house, Tisha is walking out the house with her friend Rondi holding hands, talking about the dead bodies


Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Tommy Tommy Haunted House Alive Isaiah LaBorde

Tommy is a fraternity young man and a student of Wallace University.

Haunted House

When The Chanels decide to go and get some pizza he interrupts them asking which of them would like to be his costume for Halloween, and says that he is going as "Dude Having Awesome Sex With You". The girls start to argue with him and say to objectify a woman for her appearance is the same culture that pressures girls to have eating disorders. Tommy says that if she is trying to say that he is the resposable for them to look sexy then they should thank him. Chanel compares his attitude with Red Devil, and later Chanel #3 asks sarcastically that if he is going to call them "sweetheart" now, and he answers that he will because it's kind of his signature move. Hester gets angry and says "Well this is mine!" and kicks him between the legs. Rick wants to defend Tommy but Chanel #5 makes him stumble. Tommy calls Hester a bitch, and Chanel #1 punches him in the face in return. Hester and #3 later do the same thing. Having both guys on the floor suffering from pain, the girls start to kick them and throwing trash at them until they get tired.

Truck Driver[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Truck-driver Truck Driver Ghost Stories Deceased Jamie Bernstein

The truck driver tries to prevent the Red Devil from killing Libby Putney but in the process, he himself gets murdered by the Red Devil via machete.


Zak, the Pizza Delivery Man[]

Image Name Appearance(s) Status Portrayed by
Pizza guy Zak Dorkus Deceased Riley Schmidt

Zak is a pizza delivery man, who dons the Red Devil disguise after he is ordered to by Hester.


While Zayday and Chanel are talking in Chanel's bedroom, the Red Devil barges through the doors. He notices the snake on Chanel's bed and freaks out over it, falling to the ground. Zayday rips off his mask, and it's a pizza delivery man, who says that the woman made him put it on. They take him down stairs, where Chanel #5 and Chanel #3 arrive, and so does Hester, who claims to have seen a veiled woman, saying something like "dork...". The pizza delivery guy says that when he arrived, the woman attacked him, strapped dynamite to him, and forced him to go blow up Kappa. At this point, they check his back and see a timebomb ticking down. The Chanels and Zayday take cover, as the pizza guy explodes and his intestines spew all over the walls.

