Scream Queens Wiki
Scream Queens Wiki

So when season 2 premiered I had wanted to post a blog sharing my thoughts on each episode, but for whatever reasons I never did. Now that season 2, and potentially the show, has finished I think nows a good opportunity to talk about the finale. I may also mention some elements from previous episodes that may be relevant to events from this episode, or that don't make sense/left unsolved now that this season is over.

Favourite Things from 2x10[]

  • Denise came a-runnin'!
    • Denise is always amazing, but she owned every second of those few scenes she was in! Especially the Hilary comments...
  • Chanel #8 survived!
    • I know there are many people who disliked her cause she was an irrelevant new Chanel - and although I agree that she kinda was, I still loved her and was SO happy to see she survived and that she had quite a significant role in this episode. By that I mean she was in several scenes, including a hilarious role in the opening scene and giving Ingrid the idea to use the swamp to make a fertiliser bomb.
    • Plus it would have been quite irrelevant to introduce so many characters and then kill them off just to protect the main cast from the first season, at least one of the new characters needed to survive and it turns out that we got two: Daria & Brock.
  • Chanel (and Chanel #8)'s attack.
    • I thought this was a hilarious opening scene, and also made so much sense as it gave Hoffel a reason to want a more extreme plan for killing - as she was clearly infuriated by Chanel surviving yet another attack. So it was quite funny and it basically set up the entire episode tbh.
  • Hester and Brock's happy ending on Blood Island.
  • Ingrid googles 'how to make a fertiliser bomb'
    • Before she could open the webpage there was pop up blocker that asked "are you a terrorist?" and she then had to answer "yes, I am a terrorist" or "no, I'm not a terrorist".
  • Hester suggests that Brock 'accidentally' kill Cathy when performing her craniology...
    • ... and then blame it on watching The Hills Have Eyes 2
  • Ingrid's sass when hanging up on Jane's phone call
  • Chanel wanted to use pumpkin spice latte to kill Cathy
    • She ended up just throwing it over Ingrid, who got really pissed off. Cassidy then snaked on her and #3 had to literally drag her out of the surgery room.
  • Chanel #5's poor bedside manners when delivering the good news/bad news speech to Cathy following her procedure.
  • Cathy only drinks scotch, or sometimes vodka.
    • She even uses scotch when brushing her teeth, that can't be hygienic!
  • Hester effortlessly escaped by getting an Uber.
    • Why didn't she do that several episodes ago!
  • The Chanels knew that the name 'Bean' sort of rang a bell, but couldn't remember Ms. Bean.
    • Chanel #3 asked for a some more clues so they could remember Ms. Bean.
    • Once it was pointed out to them who she was, Chanel says 'so sorry' in a really funny way.

Worst Things from 2x10[]

  • Zayday was quite irrelevant in this episode.
    • She was also in only one scene in the previous episode.
  • Jane's death.
    • Although I personally did grow to like Jane, I could have handled her death. However, the way she ended up dying was very predictable and didn't really do much; Cassidy got emotional for one second, and then so much happened that lost focus on her and then didn't get the chance to grieve for her.
  • Zayday consoles Jane and talks her way out of being kidnapped.
    • I think this scene was quite relevant to the plot, and was basically all we really see of Zayday this episode, but personally I just didn't really like this scene much. Although, there was one funny line about how Jane didn't teach Cassidy much but rather he learnt his morals from TV - particularly, Modern Family had a great impact on him.

References to Season 1[]

  • Chanel's love for pumpkin spice lattes makes a return, and is agreeably the best, most Chanel way to murder someone lmao.
  • Chanel #5's vagina DOES have teeth!
    • follow up: wtf was wrong with Rodger & Dodger?? Like, they continually had sex with her despite teeth in her vagina, which she admits are sharp...
  • Ingrid tells everyone that apparently there are no dinosaurs in hell, sorry but Chanel #2 already told us that.
  • The Red Devil made a surprisingly enjoyable cameo at the end of this episode, along with some references to KKT and the murder spree at KKT.
  • Everyone finds out that Ingrid was Ms. Bean's sister.
  • Hester invited Brock to 'attack her crack', as she did with Chad last season.
  • Chanel mentions the 'gross pledges' Cathy made them except into KKT last season.
    • Chanel #3 then prays for Sam <3.
  • Chanel apologies to Ingrid for frying Ms. Bean's face of in a similar way to how she apologised to Melanie Dorkus after she tried to stab her with a pair of scissors only to find out that it was Hester and not Melanie who was the RD.


  • In the opening scene when Cassidy tries to kill Chanel #3, Hoffel enters the room in her Green Meanie costume (except mask) before #3 has finished leaving the room.
    • Ingird literally came from the same direction that #3 was heading so they would have seen each other.
  • They clarify that Hester only killed once person last season: Pete.
    • However, she also killed Gigi.
  • Chamberlain's death was technically never discovered, or dealt with.
    • Zayday somehow knew he died, despite her being kidnapped while he was murdered and had no contact with the outside world.
  • Hester may not have been particularly close with Wes, but would have reacted somehow to his death.
    • Especially as she had not planned on killing him, but rather Ingrid and Cassidy took it upon themselves to murder him.
  • Introducing: the amazing stylings of the 'Disappearing Chanel'!
    • Chanel #8 is seen in the background of Cathy's hospital room with an icepack on her cheek after the earlier attack, but minutes later when Brock gathers everyone to witness his proposal to Cathy...she is gone!
    • Chanel #8 is then seen helping Cathy prepare for her wedding, and she is also the one who wheels Cathy (in the wheelchair) to the ceremony. But once they get to the ceremony, #8 miraculously disappears again. I mean, literally all the other Chanels are behind Cathy & Brock, but they forget about her. Its not even as if #8 wheeled Cathy and then went to go stand with/behind Chanels #1-5 as we would have seen #8 moving in the background of shots of Cathy in the wheelchair. Also, I know that she is quite small so maybe we may not have been able to actually see her face, but we would have been able to see her '#8' headband - which we can't.
    • Chanel #8 is later with everyone when they're all trapped in Hester's old cage in the basement, she is also with them when they escape and run to Ingrid's office. She is then still with them as they follow Ingrid outside to the back of the hospital by the swamp - and is a witness to Cassidy sacrificing his life to save Chanel #3. But when everyone chases Ingrid into the woods behind the swamp, Chanel #8 has disappeared. It could be argued that she stayed behind to keep Cassidy company during his last few moments alive, but had that been the case the camera would have shown everyone else run into the woods and then pan down to her next to Cassidy for a brief second.
    • Finally, Chanel #8 is missing from Chanel's narration explaining the future of the surviving characters. Obviously #8 wasn't actually a main character so it could be argued thats why she wasn't shown. But as she was a med students at the hospital, they could have easily shown her in the background of shots of #5 and Zayday running the hospital, or even assisting #5 when she was consulting that patient as its entirely plausible that she continued to work at the hospital. Or, Chanel could have revealed that Daria went back to her YouTube career and has now become insanely popular due to being a survivor of a serial killers' attack. Last season they showed one of Jenifer's candle-vlogs so they could have made a short, comedic scene showing Daria in one her vlogs with some funny click-bait title or maybe her replying to comments on her beauty videos. Plus it would have given Chanel another chance to call her some funny or offensive name, or make somme mean comment about her. However Denise wasn't mentioned in this narration either, so maybe this wasn't another disappearance but instead they intended to leave her out.

Other Thoughts[]

  • Going into this episode, I was expecting many flashbacks to both 1985/1986 and to 2016 at C.U.R.E.
    • Whilst it did make a nice change from last season's finale -where there were so many flashbacks- and it also made the episode flow better, I did feel like the show was missing out by not using any flashbacks:
      • Chad's death is left unresolved. We know that Wes killed him, but we only saw the discovery of his body - not his actual murder. And there was no aftermath following Chanel, and the other characters, finding out that Wes murdered him.
      • Chamberlain's also death wasn't dealt with. No one discovered his death so I understand if the authorities did not deal with his body, so what did Wes do with his body? Did he just leave Chamberlain's decaying corpse in his apartment? A flashback showing Wes dump Chamberlain's body in the swamp, for example, would have cleared this up and given them both some more screen time - and this could have been done via a narration from Hester, as I feel she didn't do much this episode, purely because of the way her scenes were spread out through the episode. Like, don't get me wrong, I am well aware that she had a very significant impact on the events of this episode, but looking back it just feels as if she wasn't in it much because of many of the other more prominent scenes that come to mind when thinking about this episode.
      • There were so many guest stars throughout the season that it feels like quite a waste to not give them some more screen time through flashbacks, especially Lynn. He was the sole survivor of the 1986 massacre, and the Green Meanie (Jane, in this context) was aware of this as she phoned him up in 2016 to warn him about the new spree of murders. This is also kind of a goof, as Lynn didn't contact the authorities despite knowing the Green Meanie was active again, which leads me on to my next point...
  • Where were the police? There was a detective shown briefly in Warts and All (2x02) after the first attack in the present day. While I understand that the detective was useless as they were trying to make #5 look crazy, and that Denise was present in the first few episodes, there were no other authorities until the very end of this episode - after all the Green Meanies had been apprehended. Cathy admits that in Chanel Pour Homme-Icide (2x05) she had to alert the authorities following Denise's 'death', which surprisingly lead to an influx in patients. But the authorities didn't actually do anything, or even visit the hospital - thus allowing the murders to continue! Yet numerous reporters are invited to visit the hospital!